Sunday, May 18, 2008

The First Post

I suppose this is the hardest thing about starting a blog...starting. So, I set this up a couple of months ago and now that I've had time to get over that, I'm posting my first entry. You see, I'm not real big into this. I've always thought that I was too old and mature to do a blog or have a facebook page...still don't have one of those. And then I realized that I am getting old, and it just happens...can't fight it. I don't think that I don't like getting old. I certainly have done a lot in my years. I've been young, single, career woman, got married, got a yellow lab, bought a ski boat, burried my father, got pregnant, sold a ski boat, had twin boys, had twin boys, run a 5k, run a 10k, and most recently potty trained the 2 1/2 year old twin boys. It's definitely been a very busy existance to this point. And I've loved most of every minute of it. I didn't love every minute of the potty training and really didn't love being pregnant either, but have loved the results of both!

This year, one of my new years resolutions was to start a blog. I used to journal daily, but fell out of that once I got married. That's funny, because it's been from that point on that I've really had something to write about. I didn't realize until after I got married that I was such a selfish person and therefore, marriage was quite an adjustment. A very good adjustment, but an adjustment none the less. Then just when I was getting comfortable with that (4 years later), we decided to have kids. And along came the boys! The are a real blessing and I wouldn't trade them for all the riches on the planet. You go into parenthood sufficently freaked out about all that is involved and all there is to teach the kiddos and worried that you'll be the biggest idiot parent out there and it turns out that no one really knows what their doing! It's all totally arbitrary. And then you realize that you have so much to learn from them and that if you're willing, God will teach you some very valuable lessons about yourself and your relationship with Him. And you also learn some very practical lessons, especially with twins. Can you open a door with your feet or breast feed two babies at once? And, I can also name a piece of construction equipment for every letter of the alphabet. That's good stuff!

So, I hope to keep this up. I'm not entirely sure what I want to get out of this blog. Maybe it's more about what I want to get out of me. If you're following along, I sure hope you enjoy reading!

1 comment:

Jenny Stevenson said...

I am so proud of you! You did it, you are now a blogger! I can't wait to read more soon. And you are right, the hardest part is over.